Friday, March 20, 2009

Photo Gallery so far...

The images below are what I consider my best shots with the Olympus E410 14-24mm taken so far from Dec 08 to Mar 09. These images are not taken with correct technique and as I grow and develop I will probably look back on them thinking "Newbie shots"

I use a camera with a standard small portrait type lens, so the landscape shots I shouldn't be attempting - but with such lovely dawns, I couldn't resist. I even had a play with Raw mode!

Please take into consideration my lack of experience and expertise, don't be too rough on me, however I would love some constructive critique.

My fave is the shot with my daughter on the concrete steps of Royal Park with the wind in her hair. The diagonal composition gives a dramatic feel, especially the juxtaposition of the harsh, grey concrete colour against the soft blue sky - Mia's hair in the wind adds to the over all atmosphere of wind - again may not be a good technique but I love the composition.

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